My Personal Journey

I can remember the day. I was 4 years old. It was a cold snowy evening and my father put black figure skates on my feet and said let’s go. He made it seem so exciting that I fell in love with snowy cold weather at that moment. He also put skis on me that same year and pushed me down a hill. From that point on I said yes to nearly every sport, outside and inside, warm or cold weather, excelling in some, others not so much. Tennis, canoeing, camping, hiking, softball, bowling, and skating were my first forays into sports. But it was downhill skiing that became my early passion. One winter I worked and skied in Aspen, Colorado and hung around with a healthy crowd who were into macrobiotic eating. They were super skiers, beautiful people and hardy specimens with lots of energy. I wanted to be like them, and eat like they did. From that point on I became a health nut. Flash forward to today, I’m a journalist who’s always writing about health and outdoor adventures. Healthy eating has been an evolution for me and I tend to like plant-based foods the best. I now have a more rounded eating plan with mostly vegetables and fruits, but also fish and seafood. I’m not a strict vegan or vegetarian and I’ll have an occasional chicken dish, or burger. For much of my life I’ve been a journalist, public relations director, editor, free-lance writer, ghost writer, marketing director, and currently I own a social media company. I develop social marketing campaigns and write content for my clients. I also write websites, e-commerce storefront, advertising campaigns, and articles about health for healthy minded products and companies. I’d love the opportunity to meet with you to market your brand to greater heights. Contact me at:

At Decibel Coffee Works in MSA Annex in Tucson, Arizona

Carol Blomstrand at Decibel Coffee Works in MSA Annex in Tucson, Arizona