Marketing Consultant for Healthy Lifestyle Brands.

Hello active people, marketers, and healthy brands! I’m Carol Blomstrand and my

passion is living an active healthy lifestyle and sharing it with others. I created Active Health 20 years ago as a fitness coach. Since then I’ve become a Marketing Consultant and Content Strategist for healthy lifestyle brands I believe in.


’ll help you market your healthy brand online to soar your sales. One of my current clients I enjoy working with is Stanton Orchards. Check out its presence online: and

Call me now or call me later, or text me: 520-369-1223

I’m also a social media marketer and influencer. See my company website at Click Learn More below.


My favorite hikes in and around Tucson, Arizona.

Why do I like to hike? So I can regenerate my mind and body. And come up with fresh ideas for your healthy brand.

In my current hometown, Tucson, I hike in Sabino Canyon almost every day. On weekends I go west and south from Tucson for more adventures.

Stunning hiking destinations include Sabino Canyon, Saguaro National Park - both East and West, Madera Canyon, Tanque Verde Falls, 7- Falls, Tucson Mountains, and Mount Lemmon.

I recommend using the All Trails APP on your smartphone to guide you at all times.

My quest in life: Carol Blomstrand

I’m grateful that every day I can pursue my quest for outdoor adventures and active healthy lifestyle. I happen to live in the naturally stunning desert oasis and mountain retreat of Tucson, Arizona, one of the most popular outdoor sports and spa/wellness centers in the Southwest USA. It’s not by accident that my current choice of city to live in coincides with my work. As a social media marketer and influencer on digital platforms I focus on producing marketing plans and content for companies that promote healthy sustainable products. And best of all, I get to try them out on myself!

My constant intent is to be a contributing active partner with others in the conscious stewardship of our magnificent planet earth. I have pledged to make a difference and support companies who share that desire. I believe that together we can continue to make this a better world.

Growing up in Minnesota’s hearty four seasons has inspired my life’s pursuit and lifestyle. From canoeing and portaging in the Boundary Waters to mastering snow sports (it’s a long winter up there) it’s been an evolution of living and loving the outdoor life and experiencing all its exhilarating rewards.

My path has been varied and challenging. I’ve enjoyed innovating as an early adopter to fill the needs in the changing marketplace. As a journalist, city magazine editor, marketing director, bank marketing executive, commodity trading editor, commercial real estate broker/advisor, and marketing director, I felt I easily rolled into becoming knowledgeable and experienced in the new technology supporting social marketing and e-commerce marketing. I launched my own social media company in 2011 so I could focus on what excites me the most: developing social/digital marketing campaigns for healthy planet conscious brands.

My current business partners are: Visit Tucson, Stanton Orchards, Lienhart Design, Totally Tucson, Injected Media, and Wolf Motivation. I was on the Board of Directors at Visit Tucson and I’m currently an award-winning member of American Advertising Federation of Tucson.

My writing background, capability and experiences are shown on: . My social media enterprises and digital assets are directed through . A recent article on 3/21/22 featured my business background on Shoutout Arizona. Take a look: Meet Carol Blomstrand | Marketing Consultant – Digital and E-commerce.

Call me or email me: 520-369-1223,